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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Christmas Crafting..

blogged by me domestic goddess On 11/19/2008 10:14:00 PM
Feeling much better today, although I seem to have caught a bout of horrid stomach cramps from somewhere! had me doubled up in pain this afternoon.
Luckily, before the cramps I managed to start on my Christmas photo cards. Here is a sneak of them so far. Check out Easy Craft Projects next week for a step by step.

I completed a Prima Piantables layout as well. I had attempted a paintables once before at Sue's one afternoon, sat at her kitchen table. I bought us some water colour pencils, and we played, and we gave up....... Our efforts were worse than a kindergarten kid!

So when I heard Tracie was doing a make and take using Prima Paintables, I jumped at the chance to have a play. And you know what? I am pretty chuffed with my finished result. even Peter and the girls asked if I had painted the flowers, or did the paper come like that! I can assure you, this is a compliment from Peter! Tracie, I think you have converted me to dabble again, thank you....

The rest of week see's me finishing my Christmas workshop class for Bad Girls, and making a start on my December Bad Girls kit, as well as making a wreath from paper!

Friday I am off to meet Sue at Stevenage for a spot of Christmas shopping, and a Hot Chocolate, although she doesn't know this yet, LOL. I am also heading to Asda for a baking tray or two for some crimbo crafting!!
Talking of Christmas. Izzy asked me in the car today, on our way to swimming lessons, if Santa existed!?!

"Yes of course he does, why do you ask?" as you can imagine panic set in, she has only just turned 8!!
" Matthew at school said he doesn't. He says, that like your Mum puts out the Easter Eggs at Easter, its your Mum and Dad that put out the presents"
I am now so upset and gutted at the thought that the magic of Christmas is all over because of one smart arse!

" But you believe in Santa, don't you hun"
" Well yes mummy, the mince pie and carrot, they have been eaten by Santa and the reindeer"
" That's right darling, maybe Matthew doesn't put out food, so he doesn't know what happens"

I so hope I can keep that little bit of magic and sparkle in her for just a few more weeks and have this Christmas. I have booked us all to see Santa at Milton Keynes shopping Center on the 21st December. I have the tickets and the girls are so excited.

No "Celebrity Get me Out of Here" due to the footie, (sad I know),so I am off to my bed

Hugs and thanks as always for stopping by.
Anna xx

7 Response to 'Christmas Crafting..'

  1. karen Said,'> 10:49 PM

    i have had the stomach cramps also, def a bug going around, love the painting, well proud of you
    luvs ya xxx


  2. suebaru Said,'> 11:32 PM

    Bah humbag to bloomin' Matthew!!
    Hmm, that LO is so much better than our previous feeble attempt!!Love the sound of hot chocolate to go with the shopping!


  3. Caro Said,'> 4:26 PM

    I hope the stomach cramps go soon. and I agree with Sue...Bah Humbug to Matthew. Keep the magic as long as you can. You have been tagged...check out my blog for details. Caro xx


  4. Anonymous Said,'> 6:15 PM

    Love the cards.


  5.'> 6:59 PM

    that is really a stunning layout....maybe i need to dig out my paintables!!!
    the cards are lovely....they look very familiar...LOL!!!
    what a shame about the santa......i know what you mean about wanting to hang on a few more years!!!


  6. Sandie Said,'> 10:41 PM

    Your layout is stunning, I have 1 sheet of paintables, and I'm too scared to use it!!! I hope you manage to convince Izzy, Jack still believes and he's 10, its going to be horrible when he realises!!!


  7. Tracie H Said,'> 10:16 PM

    Love that page hun - hope youre feeling better - well enough to dig out some watercolours and have another go :D