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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Midweek Madness

blogged by me domestic goddess On 11/05/2008 10:45:00 PM

Firstly, I am so overwhelmed by my own reaction of the US Presidential election. I actually stayed up half the night to watch the results come in. This morning, Peter woke me to let me know that Barack Obama, is to be the 44th US President, I cried tears of joy. I am so happy to see a man full of so much charisma and enthusiasm make it to the White House, as well as Obama being the first Black African American to become President, what an amazing moment, not just in US history, but world history.
If you have not yet seen Barack Obama's victory speech, then I strongly suggest you find 17 minutes to watch it now......

Today I have been busy in my studio creating with my November Bad Girls kit. I am late I know, but I only received my kit on Friday and was teaching at the weekend. Vintage Treasures, is exactly what it says, full of gorgeous vintage finds, 7 Gypsies papers and some Mellisa Frances vintage goodies. I scanned some of my Dad's old pictures of him as a boy with his family. Although I am vary vague on dates and have very little if any background stories to the photos, it has been so good to scrap, and in time I will fill in the gaps.

I have also started a little sewing project. Not my best creative piece, but I have had fun. One of my little projects is winging it's way as a gift to Sue who is feeling blue, and the others will be going in my studio for a future holiday, any guesses yet?! a little tutorial will be finding its way here next week! So keep tuned.

I have decided to give my blog a little face lift over the next few weeks, and this will start today with an email subscription for updates. Thanks to Annie who has just staretd this on her blog, and who is the worst blogger I know!! Sorry hun, but you really are, LOL. I know I am catching up fast with you, but hey 2 posts in as many days is pretty darn good for me these days!
If you want top be notified of updates then just fill in your email addy in the box and the wonders of technology will do the rest! (mmmm, it seems my blog does not have a feed, any techies out there able to help?)

That's me done for tonight, I am off to bed!
Hugs and thanks as always for stopping by
Anna x

8 Response to 'Midweek Madness'

  1. suebaru Said,'> 11:18 AM

    Aw,thank you hun-mwah!!Now, where's that postie...??


  2. greyparrot Said,'> 11:43 AM

    omg I just had to comment on the photo of your Dad- Lilly is the spitting image of him!


  3.'> 2:49 PM

    worst is a very strong word!!!!!!!


  4. LuzinhaFolch Said,'> 4:47 PM

    OMG I giggle here just reading this...but what can I say I'm such bad blogger my self.LOL
    Maybe even worst than Annie:P
    Darling thank you so much for the comment,I was missing you.


  5. Sara Said,'> 5:17 PM

    Hey hun, sounds like you have had some great creating time this week, good for you! xx
    PS. Managed to loose 1 1/2 lbs this week - god knows how!


  6. Sandie Said,'> 6:15 PM

    Your BG layouts are looking GORGEOUS!!! Love that sewing project too xx


  7. Sasha Farina Said,'> 1:46 AM

    aww.. that little gift for Sue is too adorable!


  8.'> 2:07 PM

    I had a similar problem with my blog and the feed - turned out to be a rogue bit of coding, there was a "." in the wrong place! Hope you manage to get it sorted, I want to add you to my reader! :)